here is some details of the problem i face:

i try 1 example that i found from the internet. 
first, i build a form named form.html
then, i write some php scripts and saved it as
i saved both files at /var/www/html/

then, i use my Mozilla Web Browser to open the page
"http://localhost/form.html";. it appear nicely. then i
key in something and press button submit.
then the page tellus.php3 is called. but it does not
appear correctly. what is see on that page is all the
php and html code, like below..


PRINT "<center><FONT SIZE=-1 face=verdana>"; PRINT
"Greetings $name, thank you for filling out our";
PRINT "form.";
PRINT "</center><p><center><TABLE border=0 width=500";
PRINT "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=7>"; PRINT
"<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1 face=verdana>"; PRINT "In the
form, you stated that our site";
PRINT "$status. Thank you for your input."; PRINT "We
will send you more information about our site";
PRINT "in an email to $email.";
PRINT "If you have any more comments, feel free to
PRINT "</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></center>";


after i add this "AddType application/x-httpd-php
.php3" to the file httpd.conf, the problem still same.

what should i do?



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