> > xDSL tidak perlu signal telco jika dipakai internal. device xDSL sendiri
> > bisa membangkitkan signal ini. kecepatan xDSL bisa mencapai sekitar 10
> boleh tau referensinya di mana ya?? soalnya terakhir y saya tau xDSL baru
> sampe 4.5 Mbps.
> Udah lama nih ga diundang promosi soalnya ;-)
> Anyway, thanks atas infonya.
> Rizky Prasetya
AT-MC601 / AT-MC602

Extended EthernetT Operation

Used as a pair, the AT-MC601 and AT-MC602 provide over 10Mbps of symmetric
data transfer, while supporting POTs service over phone-grade, twisted-pair,
wiring (CAT1, 2, 3) at distances up to 1.2Km or 4,000 feet.

They are the ideal solution for providing over 10Mbps operation on
'last-mile' twisted-pair circuits or existing in-building wiring.
Standard Ethernet operation is preserved end-to-end, retaining VLAN tags,
and Ethernet MAC information across the link, while higher layer protocols
are passed transparently. 10Mbps Ethernet operation is supported
simultaneously with POTs, ISDN or PBX signalling, without disruption.


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