Hello matt,

Thursday, April 15, 2004, 12:52:41 PM, you wrote:

> Mo tanya ..

> 1. apakah ada command menghapus user selain # userdel namauser
> yg bisa menghapus seluruh directory /home/namauser bersangkutan ? karna saya
> selalu menghapus /home/namauser secara manual

iseng2 hasil dari man userdel
USERDEL(8)                                             USERDEL(8)

       userdel - Delete a user account and related files

       userdel [-r] login

       The  userdel  command  modifies  the system account files,
       deleting all entries that refer to login.  The named  user
       must exist.

       -r     Files  in the user's home directory will be removed
              along with the home directory itself and the user's
              mail  spool.   Files  located in other file systems
              will have to be searched for and deleted  manually.

> 2. sekalian command menambah user sekaligus otomatis create user di samba

ehmm kayaknya mesti pake scripts deh... mungkin rekan lainnya bisa
memberi pencerahan

> 3. thx

#nobody is perfect, i am nobody :p

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