On Mon, 10 May 2004 16:44:50 +0700, Wiryadi
> benchmarking di sini seperti di 'jendela' dengan
> software pcmark, sisoft sandra, dll...
> nah di linux ada gak ya?
> gak perlu jauh-jauh sampai antar kernel, vs OS lain...
> ada yang bisa membantu?

sekilas hasil dari query 'apt-cache search benchmark' di Debian 3.0r2,
google 'linux benchmark' mestinya memberikan jawaban yang jauh lebih banyak:

bonnie++ - Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.
dbench - The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks
nhfsstone - NFS benchmark program.
postmark - File system benchmark from NetApp.
siege - Http regression testing and benchmarking utility
tiobench - Threaded I/O bench for Linux
xengine - A benchmark program for the X Window System.
netperf - Network performance benchmark
postal - SMTP benchmark - the mad postman.
siege-ssl - Http/https regression testing and benchmarking utility

-- andika

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