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I dit it. I made my own LiveCD.

It's an Internet, music and dvd/video cd. Based on MDK 9.2 it comes with:

KDE 3.1.3/4
KOffice, Kwrite, Kedit
Kmail, Knode, Ksirc, KBear,KGet
Konqueror with Flash
Kview.Kuickshow, Ark and some more ...
Kmix, Kscd, Konsole
Kaffeine and Xine incl. all libs and codecs
Plastic-theme (grey-white)

All MDK config tools (drakes) and MCC
Linux and Win-partitions are mounted.
kernel-tmb- (from contrib)
de-keyboard, de-localization

230 MB on the CD. Very fast. Flying on my system: P4, 2 Ghz, 256 MB RAM, 
Geforce4 64 MB.
When booting from my cd-rw drive, I am able to watch dvd's on my 
Playing all music files from the hd partitions.
Internet is up and running without config (dhcp, router here)

I've tested the cd on our second box at home, quite different hardware: 
TFT screen, voodoo card, 128 MB RAM - and it's fine too. Hardwaredetect.

I've made the iso and the cd with the script of the mklivecd-project (Jaco 
and Texstar). I have only one computer with one harddisk, and one swap 
partition 250 MB. I made the iso from a additonal separate partition ( 
besides my main mdk 9.2 and win xp) on it where I installed a basic MDK 
9.2 with KDE only, removed a lot of stuff, added kaffeine from contrib, 
libs and codecs from PLF, plastik-theme from contrib. I had to replace the 
standard kernel (didn't know that this would be so easy) to make it work.
Finally I had around 600 MB on this 4-gb partition. The mklivecd script 
reduced this to a 230 MB iso-file. Only 7 minutes to create the iso!!

One year ago I've only heard about Linux - and now I am able to make my 
very own, personal Linux system. Thank you all - over there, out there - 
on I've learned here so much!! :juggle: It's really 


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