Install aja pake --nodeps pasti jalan kayak punya saya di SuSE 9
rpm -ivh --nodeps rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
On Tuesday 01 June 2004 13:48, Hans wrote:
> saya coba ga bisa, errornya :
> >rpm -i rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> gdk-pixbuf >= 0.8.0 is needed by ymessenger-1.0.4-1
> is needed by ymessenger-1.0.4-
> trus coba pake pkg_add, ga bisa jg. Command not found katanya. trus cari
> rpm manager for suse di freskmeat jg ga ada :( sangat tidak beruntung
> keliatannya hehhe
> maklum baru coba suse 9
> ada yg bisa kasi saran laen ???
> thx :)
> hans
> On Tuesday 01 June 2004 14:53, A. Karim wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Hans wrote:
> > > Dear all
> > > Ada yg pernah install ym di suse 9? Gmn caranya ya? Di situsnya, ym cm
> > > tersedia utk rh dan debian :( thx
> > >
> > > Hans
> >
> > saya install punya rh success :-)
> >
> > # rpm -i rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
> >
> > Salam,
> >
> > Duken

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