On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 01:15:03PM +0700, adi wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 11:53:27AM +0700, Agus Budy Wuysang wrote:
> >>while read i; do whatever; done < prono.txt
> >
> >Useless use of read & shell redir (for bashV2 only) ;)
> >
> >for l in $(<file); do something with $l;done
> hi..hi.. masa sih useless. cara kedua menyebabkan boros
> fork() ...  $(...) menyebabkan shell forks a new shell.

Cara pertama juga menyebabkan fork kalo di /bin/sh-nya solaris. Bikin
pusing aja emang solaris, script gue jalan bagus di linux tapi di
solaris gak jalan cuma gara2 itu, sial, hehe :-)

/bin/sh emulation modenya bash tidak menunjukkan gejala tsb tapi,
makanya pas di linux gak ketauan.


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