On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 11:57:38AM +0700, Linuxmania wrote:
> errornya macem2 Pak saya ambil 3 yang saya kira berkaitan dengan SSH, log 
> saya ambil dari: /var/log/messages 

Anda harus bisa mengisolir message mana yg digenerate pada waktu anda
connect. Coba lihat pake tail -f sambil connect, jadi langsung

> Jun 17 09:35:17 fileserver sshd[2057]: refused connect from 
> ::ffff: (::ffff:
> Jun 17 08:49:08 fileserver sshd[1448]: Server listening on :: port 22.
> Jun 17 08:49:08 fileserver sshd[1448]: error: Bind to port 22 on 
> failed: Address already in use.
> Jun 17 08:49:09 fileserver sshd: startup succeeded
> Jun 17 08:49:12 fileserver xinetd[1493]: bind failed (Address already in 
> use (errno = 98)). service = ssh
> Jun 17 08:49:12 fileserver xinetd[1493]: Service ssh failed to start and 
> is deactivated.

You have to make up your mind, mau pake ssh lewat inetd atau
standalone, pilih salah satu gak bisa dua2nya. Kalo pilih pake
standalone, maka yg di inetd harus didisable dong.

In any case, coba matiin dulu xinetd lalu coba connect lagi dan liat
apa yg terjadi.

Salah satu step dr systematic troubleshooting adalah mengisolir


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