> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [tanya-jawab] Iptables blocking portscan
> Hi There,
> send me your email as private, I will give you a sample 
> (complexity iptables for many subnets and many gw as I did at 
> SetNeg (my old project)).
> Regards,
> Kalpin Erlangga S
> > Sekalian mau tanya nih
> >
> > bagaimana implementasi untuk memblok port scanning ?
> >
> > kalau harus kompile kernel, modul yang mana yang harus di 
> permak, trus 
> > setting iptablesnya bagaimana
> >
> > terima kasih atas jawabannya.
> >
> >

Wah, gak bisa di published di milis aja,
kan banyak juga yang pengen tahu tips dan trik iptables.

I'm sure everybody would like to see the example script too.


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