----- Original Message ----- 
From: "prasetyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:08 AM
Subject: [tanya-jawab] QMAIL: patch -p1 <

> Yth Linuxer:
> Saya pakai panduan qmail bikinan bung ASFIK
> Saya install qmail di RH90, tapi sewaktu patch
> qmail-1.03-quotas-1.1.patch dg command sbb:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] qmail-1.03]# patch -p1 <
> ../qmail-1.03-quotas-1.1.patch
> hasilnya error sbb:
> missing header for context diff at line 29 of patch
> patching file qmail-local.c
> missing header for context diff at line 119 of patch
> patching file error.h
> missing header for context diff at line 131 of patch
> patching file error.c
> Mohon pencerahannya.

Problemnya apa? Jika anda khawatir dengan yang anda tangkap adalah
error, coba diteliti kembali, itu adalah mengepatch file error.c bukan



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