Ups ... sorry
Ngomong 2x udah install packet ncpfs belom ???
Nggak usah pake DOSEMU segala deh ...
Pake Novell-Client for Linux aja ada koq di cari aja .....

On Sunday 18 July 2004 03:28, Agung wrote:
> Saya pake mandrake 10, menggunakan dosemu untuk konek
> ke server netware 3.1
> sebelumnya saya pakai mandrake 9, tidak ada masalah
> Sekarang masalahnya waktu jalanin file netx nya keluar pesan
> "ERROR: cannot open /proc/net/ipx_route"
> mohon advicenya
> trims

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Time will come but you don't hide, You are on your way 
We've got the POWER We are divine, We have the guts to follow the sign
Extracting tensions from sources unknown, We are the ones to cover the throne

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