toto wrote:

Dear all

kapasitas data di progresql itu berapa besar, udah ada yang coba dengan data
besar belum ya

Berdasarkan informasi di :

   Maximum size for a database?             unlimited (32 TB databases exist)
   Maximum size for a table?                32 TB
   Maximum size for a row?                  1.6TB
   Maximum size for a field?                1 GB
   Maximum number of rows in a table?       unlimited
   Maximum number of columns in a table?    250-1600 depending on column types
   Maximum number of indexes on a table?    unlimited

Of course, these are not actually unlimited, but limited to available disk space and memory/swap space.
Performance may suffer when these values get unusually large.

The maximum table size of 32 TB does not require large file support from the operating system. Large tables are stored
as multiple 1 GB files so file system size limits are not important.

The maximum table size and maximum number of columns can be quadrupled by increasing the default block size to 32k.

Saya pribadi belum pernah mencoba sampai limit tersebut. :)

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