
IRDP Attack
ICMP Router Discovery Protocol can be spoofed and cause fake routing entries 
to be entered into a Windows machine. IRDP has no authentication. Upon 
startup, a system running MS Windows95/98 will always send 3 ICMP Router 
Solicitation packets to the multicast address. If the machine is 
NOT configured as a DHCP client, it ignores any Router Advertisements sent 
back to the host. However, if the Windows machine is configured as a DHCP 
client, any Router Advertisements sent to the machine will be accepted and 


On Saturday 27 November 2004 11:52 am, josh wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 09:52:46 +0700, yahya/pusatlinux.com office
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > yth pakar linux,
> > Berikut ini adalah sebuah paket ICMP yang dikeluarkan client komputer
> > kami:
> >
> > File Version :
> > File Description :      Win32 Kernel core component (kernel32.dll)
> > File Path :             C:\MACROOS\SYSTEM\kernel32.dll
> > Process ID :            0xFFEF888D (Heximal) 4293888141 (Decimal)
> >
> > Connection origin :     local initiated
> > Protocol :              ICMP
> > Local Address :
> > ICMP Type :             10 (Router Solicitation)
> > ICMP Code :             0
> > Remote Name :
> > Remote Address :
> >
> > Ethernet packet details:
> > Ethernet II (Packet Length: 44)
> >         Destination:    01-00-5e-00-00-02
> >         Source:         44-45-53-54-00-00
> > Type: IP (0x0800)
> > Internet Protocol
> >         Version: 4
> >         Header Length: 20 bytes
> >         Flags:
> >                 .0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
> >                 ..0. = More fragments: Not set
> >         Fragment offset:0
> >         Time to live: 128
> >         Protocol: 0x1 (ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol)
> >         Header checksum: 0x534a (Correct)
> >         Source:
> >         Destination:
> > Internet Control Message Protocol
> >         Type: 10 (Router Solicitation)
> >         Code: 0
> >         Data (4 bytes)
> >
> > Binary dump of the packet:
> > 0000:  01 00 5E 00 00 02 44 45 : 53 54 00 00 08 00 45 00 |
> > ..^...DEST....E. 0010:  00 1C 48 00 00 00 80 01 : 4A 53 CA 92 FD F8 E0 00
> > | ..H.....JS...... 0020:  00 02 0A 00 F5 FF 00 00 : 00 00 00 00          
> >   | ............
> >
> > Pertanyaannya buat apa client win selalu mengirimkan paket ini ke
> >
> >
> > Thx.
> > Yahya
> Tanya microsoft lah..
> Klo clientnya linux, baru tanya kesini :p
> --
> Regards,

Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | http://linux2.arinet.org
18:03:04 up 3:45, Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Official) for i586 
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