On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 16:29:24 +0700, J Irawan K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John did mentioned in his 1st email about office computers apart from
> home computer.

yup, dia memang bilang "home and offices", tapi setelah saya pertegas,
apakah Linux ini akan di install di komputer pacarnya, dia menjawab
"Yeah", tapi seperti nya kita harus menunggu respon dari John sendiri
deh!??? well, John, what are your girlfriend gonna do with this
computer? home use or bussiness use?

> I'm not against. I just want to say that John needs to do some homework
> first before he mess with their computers. By then, we can see what are
> things need to be considered and to come out with the best way to
> minimise the problems.

Yup, gw setuju. skali lg no offense yah!?!?
> Brainstorming:
> Printing can be a problem too, some win*** programs are customised to
> print at specific part of the paper.

If you use linux O/S, it means that you use software that are designed
to run on linux too, right? or at least, that software is emulated to
work on linux. so printing won't be a problem if you choose the right
driver. coz you'll using linuxs software, not win**** software.

> J Irawan K

waduh, saya sih ga punya signature. Tapi kalo ini bisa di anggap
signature, ya,,, berarti ini.....SIGNATURE dong????

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