Wisu wrote:

Mumpung Ngomongin Kdat dan gw lagi pusing soal backup...

Kdat kynya emang GUI yg bagus tp musti berjalan di X...

apa ada yg tau command line kdat.... coz "man kdat" dan "kdat --help"
wont get u any where....

Dari Help Menu KDat:
KDat is a tar-based tape archiver. It is designed to work with multiple archives on a single tape. KDat was inspired by two separate goals. The first, was to provide a nice, GUI front-end to tar that supported the fast selective extraction features of the dds2tar program.

Simply a *tar* front-end, jadi harusnya diketik "man tar" dan "tar --help"
Hope that will get you somewhere ;)


-- rumy

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