install kannel gampang koq...
konfigurasi nya yang susah :-( saya sendiri aja ampe bingung...

Deen wrote:

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 06:39 am, Johan wrote:
dear members,
setelah saya install kannel,dan nyerah karena error mulu,..

wah jangan nyerah mas, kannel terbaru 1.4 sourcenya cuman butuh dependency libxml2, berusahalah :)
saya install gnokii...dan ketika bagian smsd...pada proses "make" ..ada
error seperti ini..

aku dulu ikuti petunjuk instalasi gnokii dari playsms, dan jalan baik gnokii dan smsd nya, saya edit dulu Makefilenya

--- Gnokii's Installation:
1.  Extract gnokii source package somewhere (eg: /usr/local/src)
2.  Configure it to make sure installation path is in /usr/local
   # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
Note: if you want to change to another directory, you better understand how to read source of /path_to_source_of_playsms/bin/* files written in bash script
3.  Make and make install, these actions should install gnokii to /usr/local
   # make
   # make install
4. Enter directory named smsd in gnokii source directory, compile and install s
Note: if you use gnokii version < 0.6.0 you'll have to make libfile.so not l
   # cd smsd
   # make
   # make libfile.la
   # make install
   Note: for those whose having trouble compiling smsd will have to edit the

Makefile file manually, insert comments mark on libmysql.so and libpq.so parts

5.  And now from gnokii's source directory, enter to Docs/sample, there you
can found file named gnokiirc, copy it to ~/.gnokiirc (home of root) and edi
t it
   # cd Docs/sample
   # cp gnokiirc ~/.gnokiirc
Note: usually you just have to edit the port and model part only, change it to suit your system 6. Test your gnokii, plug in your cellphone/gsm modem cable to the computer, or
   connect via IrDA, and then type:
   # gnokii --identify
Note: you should see gnokii identified your cellphone/gsm modem, if you dont
   see it, update your ~/.gnokiirc to suit your need

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