Arief Yudhawarman wrote:
Hai milisers,

Saya heran kok tidak berhasil memakai gaim dan kopete bawaannya distro
slack 10 untuk konek ke yahoo messenger, pesannya selalu incorrect
password, padahal kalau saya coba di livecd slax (dr infolinux), tdk
ada masalah. Dan ini pun tdk sdh saya coba di beberapa komputer yg
diinstall full package slack.

Kalau saya intip dg iptraf kelihatannya koneksi syn ke ip server YMN
tdk terbalas, saya lupa catat ip-nya.

Bagaimana dg rekan-rekan lain yg pakai distro slack 10 apakah mengalami
masalah serupa ?

Iya ... gaim di slackware 10 memang gak bisa buat YM, gitu juga kopete, upgrade dulu, sekalian beresin security hole :P

[slackware-security]  gaim (SSA:2005-162-01)

New gaim packages are available for Slackware 9.0, 9.1, 10.0, 10.1,
and -current to fix some minor security issues.  Sites that use GAIM
should upgrade to the new version.

Here are the details from the Slackware 10.1 ChangeLog:
patches/packages/gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz:  Upgraded to gaim-1.3.1 and
  gaim-encryption-2.38.  This fixes a couple of remote crash bugs, so
  users of the MSN and Yahoo! chat protocols should upgrade to gaim-1.3.1.
  (* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

Updated package for Slackware 9.0:

Updated package for Slackware 9.1:

Updated package for Slackware 10.0:

Updated package for Slackware 10.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 9.0 package:
a75a60429363acd205166590ca17277f  gaim-1.3.1-i386-1.tgz

Slackware 9.1 package:
929de8fdd072554ae10e6bf8e75d232c  gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz

Slackware 10.0 package:
4b0f13b8c99088536b7d72bb037cc5a2  gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz

Slackware 10.1 package:
c0f249e8b5e862fa07f0c38e51e00844  gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz

Slackware -current package:
f9b715b0d493fa91fc1d49cde13deefb  gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg gaim-1.3.1-i486-1.tgz


Slackware Linux Security Team



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