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Bare LFs in SMTP
Most likely you're here because your mailer displayed
the pointer ``See
Where did that pointer come from?
It was generated by qmail, an Internet message
transfer agent. Your mailer tried to send an e-mail
message to a server running qmail. Unfortunately,
qmail spotted a problem: your mailer sent a bare LF. 
Why should I worry about bare LFs?
You can't get mail through to msn.com and thousands of
other systems around the Internet. Your mailer is
violating 822bis section 2.3, which specifically
prohibits all bare LFs. 
How can my mailer be fixed?
That depends on what software you're using. 
Solaris 2.5 sendmail: Upgrade! Fixed in Solaris 2.5.1.
You can fix the problem by putting ``,E=\r\n'' at the
end of Mether, Mtcp, or Msmtp in sendmail.cf. (Note
that Mether is not the same as DMether.) 

sendmail V8 has a bug that will produce a bare LF in
certain messages (e.g., messages with very long
lines). This bug was identified in November 1996; I
don't know if it has been fixed yet. 

Eudora Pro 4.0 for Windows: Upgrade! The HTML LF
problem was fixed in 4.0.1. The attachment LF problem
was fixed in 4.1. 

listproc 6.0c: Chuck Foster says you should add
``CONVERT(buf);'' before ``WRITE_TO_SOCKET'' around
line 165 of sysmail.c in the Listproc source code. 

fetchmail: Upgrade! Recent versions of fetchmail
reportedly do the right thing. Make sure the forcecr
option is on. 

Galacticom WorldGroups: Reported 19970716. No
information on how it can be fixed. 

Claris Emailer: Reported 19980613. No information on
how it can be fixed. 

CipherTrust's IronMail SMTP gateway: Reported
2002.10.29 by Christopher Mahmood. No information on
how it can be fixed. 

What is a bare LF, anyway?
It is an ASCII linefeed (LF) character not preceded by
an ASCII carriage-return (CR) character. 
Every line in an Internet mail message is required to
end with CR LF. The entire message ends with CR LF dot
CR LF. 822bis specifically prohibits other uses of LF.

The mail clients discussed above are incorrectly
ending lines with LF and, in most cases, ending the
entire message with LF dot LF. That's not CR LF dot CR
LF, so a server such as msn.com will sit there waiting
for the rest of the message. After a while it'll give
up and drop the connection. Your mail doesn't get

Some mail servers convert a bare LF into CR LF, and
accept LF dot LF as the end of a mail message. This
behavior is specifically prohibited by 821bis. 

--- Oebay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> dear all linuxer,
> Boleh tau nggak maksud dr
> http://cr.yp.to/docs/smtplf.html ?
> NAV memunculkan pesan u/ melihat situs itu ketika
> saya melakukan
> perintah mail pada script php.
> mohon petunjuknya.
> Terimakasih,
> Warm Regards,
> oebay

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