Hallo semua,

Ada beberapa pertanyaan sehubungan dengan nocat.
Pada saat akses ke suatu halaman, gateway server menampilkan seluruh file yg 
ada pada directory /usr/local/gateway/htdocs

Index of /

 Name                    Last modified       Size  Description

 Parent Directory        29-May-2005 12:23      -  
 expired.html            29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 fatal.html              29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 images/                 29-May-2005 12:23      -  
 login-no-skip.html      29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 login.html              29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 login_ok.html           29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 logout.html             29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 register.html           29-May-2005 12:23     2k  
 register_ok.html        29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 renew.html              29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 renew_pasv.html         29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 splash.html             29-May-2005 12:23     1k  
 status.html             17-Aug-2005 17:03     1k  
 update.html             29-May-2005 12:23     3k  

Apache/1.3.33 Server at Gateway.mydomain.Net Port 80

Dimana salahnya ?

Ketika dicoba untuk mengakses ke https://gateway.mydomain.net/cgi-bin/login, 
login screen muncul. Tapi ketika diisi username dan password (dan enter), 
muncul error sbb :


Your MAC address is undefined. Problem with the gateway?

Pada file /usr/local/gateway/nocat.conf, telah diconfigurasi 'IgnoreMAC 1', 
tapi kenapa gateway masih menanyakan masalah MAC ?

Sementara /usr/local/gateway/nocat.log mengatakan :
[2005-08-17 17:03:33] Connection to from
[2005-08-17 17:03:33] Can't capture peer  without MAC
[2005-08-17 17:05:04] Gateway running on port 5280.
[2005-08-17 17:08:54] Gateway running on port 5280.
[2005-08-17 17:13:49] Gateway running on port 5280.
[2005-08-17 17:18:59] Gathering stats from firewall with cmd='stats.fw  '.
[2005-08-17 17:18:59] Can't exec "stats.fw": Permission denied at 
/usr/local/gateway/bin/../lib/NoCat/Firewall.pm line 288, <FILE> line 2.

Kira-kira apa dan dimana salahnya ?



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