> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> While trying to retrieve the URL:
> http://www.friendster.com/editphotos.php?
> The following error was encountered:
> ·    Zero Sized Reply
> Squid did not receive any data for this request.
> Your cache administrator is root.
> --------------------------------------------------
> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> While trying to retrieve the URL:
> http://us.f611.mail.yahoo.com/ym/login?
> The following error was encountered:
> Unable to determine IP address from host name for
> us.f611.mail.yahoo.com
> The dnsserver returned:
> No DNS records
> This means that:
>  The cache was not able to resolve the hostname
> presented in the URL.
>  Check if the address is correct.
> Your cache administrator is root.
bisa di pastekan konfigurasi squid.conf bisa juga dengan rule iptablesnya


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