On 12/30/05, rianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>bagaimanasih cara instalasi debian? biar ke luar X windows -nya
> >>
> >>
> >
> >apt-get install x-window-system
> >
> >-- andika
> >
> >
> >
> maaf menyela, waktu saya install pake apt-get install
> x-window-system-core juga bisa jalan.
> terus apa bedanya perintah tersebut tanpa *core*

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$ apt-cache show x-window-system-core
Description: X Window System core components
 This metapackage provides the essential components for a standalone
 workstation running the X Window System.  It provides the X libraries, an X
 server (except on the S/390 architecture), a set of fonts, and a group of
 basic X clients and utilities.
 Higher level metapackages, such as those for desktop environments, can
 depend on this package and simplify their dependencies.
**** ini keterangannya ****
 It should be noted that a package providing x-window-manager and a package
 providing x-terminal-emulator should also be installed to ensure a
 comfortable X experience.


Jadi, yang -core tidak memuat window manager

-- andika

ps: sori, posting sebelumnya salah, keburu kepencet send.

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