A. Andria wrote:

Dave Muhammad wrote:

salah satunya bisa anda baca di (sampai step3) :

Setelah berhasil rebuild kernel, muncul message seperti berikut :

In order to use the new kernel image you have just installed, you
will need to reboot the machine.  First, however, you will need to
either make a bootable floppy diskette, re-run LILO, or have GRUB

Checking for ELILO...No

GRUB is installed. To automatically switch to new kernels, point your
default entry in menu.lst to /boot/arch/i386/boot/bzImage-2.6.12-8hcl

Pertanyaan nya di menu.lst nya harus seperti apa ya ?

Apa seperti di bawah ini ?

title           Ubuntu, kernel bzImage-2.6.12-8hcl
root            (hd0,1)
kernel /arch/i386/boot/bzImage-2.6.12-8hcl root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash

Mohon koreksi bila salah.

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