On 2/3/06, Andika Triwidada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/2/06, Hudan Ramadhona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > gimana sih cara membuat miror debian sendiri?
> >
> Sekedar bahan pertimbangan, http://www.debian.org/mirror/size
> How big is the Debian FTP site?
> Numbers on this page are from the archive as of 03 July 2005.
> the whole thing
>     Roughly 120 GB.
> a released architecture (from oldstable, stable, testing and unstable)
>     ranges from 5.5 GB to 9 GB (roughly), architecture independent
> packages also take roughly 9 GB.
> an unreleased architecture
>     on average 0.6 GB but growing.
> sources
>     about 18.5 GB.
> Pada sekitar akhir tahun 2000 saya sempat membuat mirror Debian yang
> hanya memuat binary i386 dan source. Disk space gak masalah, tapi link
> 128kbps tidak memadai saat itu. Mungkin sekarang butuh 256kbps+ ?
Untuk membuat mirror atau melayani penguna mirror pak maksudnya?


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