Halo rekan2 semua, saya kesulitan nih untuk menjalankan gnokii, setiap
saya coba "gnokii --identify" selalu muncul error sbb :
- Gnokii serial_open: open: Permission denied
- Couldn't open ATBUS device: Permission denied
- Telephone interface init failed: Command failed.
- Quitting.

Yang telah saya lakukan :
- chmod -777 /dev/ttyS0

isi Gnokiirc saya sbb :
port = /dev/ttyS0
port = 00:0f:de:4c:3a:94
model = AT
initlength = default
connection = serial
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 19200
handshake = software
smsc_timeout = 10
bindir = /usr/sbin/
TELEPHONE = 12345678
debug = off
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

Untuk Informasi Hardware :
- Sony Ericsson K700i + koneksi bluetooth

Mohon Pencerahannya,
Terima Kasih..


Arief Suherlan

A. port-nya emang ada 2 ? /dev/ttyS0 + 00:0f:de:4c:3a:94 ???
B btw, kalo boleh tahu ente install rpm atau source ?
C. sebelumnya HP ente udah dikenal di sistem ??
D. untuk mengunakan blutut ada tambahan configurasi 'setahu' ane...
E. ini ada manual instalasi gnokii ( dari doc-nya playsms).

Gnokii's Installation:
1.  Extract gnokii source package somewhere (eg: /usr/local/src)
2.  Configure it to make sure installation path is in /usr/local
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    Note: if you want to change to another directory, you better understand
how to
    read source of /path_to_source_of_playsms/bin/* files written in bash
3.  Make and make install, these actions should install gnokii to /usr/local
    # make
    # make install
4.  Enter directory named smsd in gnokii source directory, compile and
install smsd
    Note: if you use gnokii version < 0.6.0 you'll have to make libfile.so
not libfile.la
    # cd smsd
    # make
    # make libfile.la  # nah, ini ente bisa ubah pakai file atau PostgreSQL
atau MySQL bisa di lihat di 'Makefile'
    # make install
    Note: for those whose having trouble compiling smsd will have to edit
    Makefile file manually, insert comments mark on libmysql.so and libpq.so
5.  And now from gnokii's source directory, enter to Docs/sample, there you
    can found file named gnokiirc, copy it to ~/.gnokiirc (home of root) and
edit it
    # cd Docs/sample
    # cp gnokiirc ~/.gnokiirc
    Note: usually you just have to edit the port and model part only, change
    to suit your system
6.  Test your gnokii, plug in your cellphone/gsm modem cable to the
computer, or
    connect via IrDA, and then type:
    # gnokii --identify
    Note: you should see gnokii identified your cellphone/gsm modem, if you
    see it, update your ~/.gnokiirc to suit your need
7.  Back to PlaySMS source directory. Create smsd cache and logs directory
    make it writable to the web servers user
    # mkdir /usr/local/cache
    # mkdir /usr/local/cache/smsd
    # mkdir /usr/local/cache/logs
    # touch /usr/local/cache/logs/smsd_logs
    # chmod -R 777 /usr/local/cache
    - make it writable to the world (chmod -R 777) just to simplify
    - it is better if you know what is the web server's user (eg: 'nobody')
      and instead chmod -R 777 you use:
      # chown -R nobody /usr/local/cache
8.  Enter bin directory and copy smsd_checker, smsd_incoming and smsd_start
to /usr/local/bin
    # cd bin
    # cp smsd* /usr/local/bin/
    Note: assumed that you have installed gnokii on /usr/local, if you
change it
    to another path (/opt/gnokii maybe) copy them to /opt/gnokii/bin and
dont forget to
    edit SMSD_PATH to /opt/gnokii too in smsd_checker and smsd_incoming
9 . Enter /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d and look for file rc.local, im
sure you'll
    found it. Edit that file and put "/usr/local/bin/smsd_start" (without
quotes) on the
    bottom of the file (before exit if theres exit). This way smsd_start
will be run
    everytime the system startup

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