On 2/16/06, Isal Surisal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Tiap pagi, pas mau browsing, si squid selalu eror mulu...kenapa ya?
> Problemnya adalah persis yang ditanyakan orang di milis squid sbb
> (tapi belum ada jawabannya) :
> ===
> I had squid 2.5 running on a linux 9.0 box but recently, every morning, I
> would not be able to access the internet via the proxy server until I
> restart the server. The error message was :
> The following error was encountered :
>       Unable to determine IP address from hist name for yahoo.com
> The dnsserver returned :
>       Server Failure : The name server was unable to process this query.
> This means that :
> The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
> Check if the address is correct.
> Any idea why ?
> ===
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