Dear all,

Saya kok mengalami keanehan ya,...
Barusan saya insall Fedora Core 4.
Lalu vsftpd-nya saya hidupkan.
Dari klien aku konek via ftp.
Nggak ada masalah.

Baru ada masalah ketka aku coba upload.
Dikatakan di log lancar, tapi nggak ada file yang diupload.
Di status dikatakan ''Critical transfer error.

Lalu aku coba create directory, juga gagal.
di log dikatakan:
'550 Create directory operation failed.'.
Aneh karena ini folder saya sendiri (home).

Lalu aku serach di internet, ada jawaban seperti ini.
Kira-kira solusinya kayak apa ya ?


I am unable to delete some Mambo files that I have on my f2o webspace. About 75% of the files and directories deleted with no issues. I get the following error:

"550 Remove directory operation failed."

I've tried 4 FTP clients but still no luck. I am unable to even delete the files themselves. Any suggestions? Thanks.


This is a typical issue we run into when applications create files that aren't technically owned by the user at the filesystem level. Log in to the Account Manager and file a support ticket with a list of the files and/or directories you want to remove, and one of us will get to it when we can.


  Terima kasih
  Selalu saja ada harapan di segala kesulitan.
  - Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings 2 -

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