On Wednesday 29 March 2006 16:17, Anom wrote:
> Hi all...
> Baru dapet link menggelitik nih... (kalo yg udah baca sory ya :p )
> ceritanya tentang City Manager (Walikota kali ya bhs indo-nya... )
> kota Tuttle, Oklahoma yang mencak ke tim developer CentOS Linux waktu
> situs kotanya munculin default page Apache kalo lom di configure...
> Baca sendiri deh.... lucu bener... ampe2 tim developernya mo di aduin ke
> FBI....
> http://wwwf.centos.org/127_story.html?storyid=127
Gila lucu bener :)
habis baca jadi prihatin sendiri, apa semua mental pejabat seperti ini ya?
ngakunya 22 tahun pengalaman di komputer gak tahunya nol besar :)
"I am computer literate! I have 22 
years in computer systems engineering and operation. Now, can you tell me 
how to remove "your software" that you acknowledge you provided free of 
charge? I consider this "hacking". I have no fear of the media, in fact I 
welcome this publicity.
Just correct this problem and leave this system alone in the future."

pejabat emang cuma besar di omong dan ke-malu-an doang :)
btw di sini ada gak sih yang udah pengalaman 22 tahun di komputer dan terlihat 
bodoh kaya Taylor Jerry.  :)  ?

bang rony  udah pengalaman berapa tahun? masih kalah ya ama si jerry ?  :)
gimana kalo jerry taylor dianugerahin "THE MOST STUPID CITY MANAGER OF ALL 

Best Regards

Adnan Adhy K
Zhilal Computer

Linux is To Good To EveryBody,..... :)
SuSE is Good for Everybody .........;)

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