Pada tanggal 4/13/06, Agi Subagio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
> errornya waktu start configuration-nya kayak gini:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM
> *****************************************
> *      Lotus Domino Server Setup        *
> * To setup this server, please connect  *
> *     your web browser to port 8081     *
> * Example:  *
> *****************************************
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> (
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM  Addin: Agent  error message:
> /opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/ symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not
> defined in file with link time reference (
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM  Addin: Agent  error message: Unable to initialize
> threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM  JVM: The Java Virtual Machine creation returned an
> invalid JVM machine pointer.
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM  JVM: Java Virtual Machine failed to start
> 04/13/2006 11:29:39 AM  HTTP server error, could not load the Java VM
> 04/13/2006 11:29:41 AM  HTTP Web Server started
> kenapa tuh ya?
> apakah domino r5 gak compatible dengan fc3?
> Agi
> Agi Subagio wrote:
> > Saya lagi nyoba2 nginstall Domino R5 di Fedora Core 3.
> > Sudah berhasil install... tapi gak mau start yah domino-nya.
> > Ada yg tahu harus mengikuti prosedur apa saja sewaktu instalasi?
> >

ini ada link, semoga bermanfaat :


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