On Sun, 2006-05-21 at 02:35, Donny Kurnia wrote:
> Yanu Widodo wrote:
> > Oh, stlh coba buka2 help di
> > file:///usr/share/gnome/help/evolution/C/apx-gloss.html
> > 
> > ternyata Expunge:
> >         
> >         When messages are marked for deletion, they remain till they are
> >         expunged. When a message is expunged, it is permanently deleted,
> >         as long as it was marked for deletion. 
> >         
> > mungkin expunge emang "kelebihan" evolution kali ya ?!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > regards,
> > yanu
> > 
> > 
> >> Dear fren,
> >>
> >> setelah nyoba2, akhirnya emel2 di Evolution bisa di delete juga,
> >> sblm nge-delete permanen, emel-nya di delete dulu [ada tanda digaris
> >> tengah] lalu di Ctl+E. nach ke-delete dech. 
> >>
> >> btw, kalau nge-delete permanen ada expunge, nah kalau saya mau mindahin
> >> (emelnya sdh bisa tercopy ke folder target), namun ternyata emel yg lama
> >> masih ada (dengan tanda garis tengah). kalau mau ke delete, ya harus di
> >> expunge.
> >>
> >> pertanyaannya : apakah ada yg harus dimodifikasi, biar bisa langsung
> >> otomatis ke-delete atau ke-move, ngak usah di expunge ?! 
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> trims,
> >> yanu
> Bottom reply please...
> Ttg expunge, rasanya email client yang mendukung IMAP ada fitur ini. Sy 
> dulu pake pine pas masih kuliah, dan emang mesti di-expunge, baru email 
> yag ditandai ke-delete secara permanen. Apa emang udah standar dari IMAP 
> yah? Ada yang tau standarnya IMAP itu apa aja fiturnya???
> --
> Donny Kurnia
> http://hantulab.blogspot.com
> http://hantulab.multiply.com

IMHO saja, entahlah apa mungkin memang harus di expunge, tapi nampaknya
fasilitas expunge memang sangat diperlukan dan berguna sekali pada
protocol ini. 


        Depending upon whom you ask, IMAP stands for the Internet Mail
        Access Protocol, or the Interim Mail Access Protocol. It allows
        access to email which is typically (although not always) stored
        remotely on a server rather than on a local hard disk. Often
        contrasted with POP:. This will not be on the test. 

kalo di Kmail, bisa di setting ngak perlu di expunge, namun saya lupa
pernah mencet yg mana. (tapi sekarang saya jadi nyaman pake evolution,
meskipun masih yg versi 1.2.2-4 )


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