Apakah registry yang diperlukan untuk klien [winxp] sudah diinstal?
Apakah share [Profiles] sudah dibuat?

Ada baiknya juga PDC/samba servernya dijadikan juga sebagai wins
server [wins support = yes], lalu set semua client menggunakan wins


On 6/13/06, dodi fitriansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
pdc nya udah jadi. klien (win xp) udah bisa join
domain. cuma pas klien login, muncul pesan:

Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming
profile and is attempting to log you on with your
local profile. Changes to the profile will not be
copied to the server when you logoff. Possible causes
of this error include network problems or insufficient
security rights. If this problem persists, contact
your network administrator.

DETAIL - The network path was not found.

jadi kalo si user klien ini log off, settingan dan
perubahan profile nya (my document file, desktop,...)
kembali ke awal (gak ke-save).

mohon bantuannya !


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