On Tuesday 20 June 2006 12:29, you wrote:
> # rpm -qa|grep snmp
> net-snmp-5.0.6-17

Hi All.
apa khabar ?!

Setelah snmpd.conf-nya dikasih: rocommunity public
dan snmpdnya dijalankan, hasilnya jadi OK [bisa ngelihat trafficnya localhost]

Yg jadi masalah adalah, kalo saya pingin mengetahui freespace di 
hardisk via MRTG, cara settingnya gimana yak. Setelah baca-baca dokumentasi, 
ada istilah SNMP OID. Kemaren baru ketemu bahwa OID=object indentifier, tapi 
maksudnya apa ya ?!

- Apakah harus kita konfig lagi mrtg.cfg-nya. 
- Ada deretan nomor panjang ; saya nggak ngerti maksudnya apa. 
- apakah nomor2 panjang tadi hasil generete dari cfgmaker ?

pliss minta tolong dikasih pencerahan ...
setelah mbaca, saya kok masih bingung  ...

dalam satu tutorial [setelah gogling, kebetulan nemu yg berbasis windows, maaf 
yak ], dijelaskan :

The configuration file structure is made of 2 types of option tags:
- Global options // define the way that MRTG will handle the data collection 
for all targets within the file.
- Target options // define specific settings used to collect the data and 
construct the graphs for each target.
The key option tag that makes the difference between the standard MRTG 
configuration (input/output network bandwidth) and generic SNMP operation 
(monitor any SNMP OID) is the <target> option tag that describes the OIDs 
that MRTG will ask a target host for.
The format of the <target> option tag is:
> target[target-generic-name]: OID1&OID2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OID1 and OID2 are the data sources (DS) and they correspond to the 
original Input and
Output values (the standard MRTG functionality of Input/Output bandwidth for a 
network interface).
OID1 & OID2 may have the following values:
- OID1 and OID2 are different OIDs - if you want to graph two different values 
per graph.
Example: Collect logical disk C and logical disk D free space OIDs and draw 
them on the same graph
- OID1 and OID2 are one and the same OID - if you want to graph only one value 
per graph. In case when you want to represent
a single OID per graph it will be represented by OID1 while OID2 (it is the 
same as OID1) can be ignored when drawing the graph (see paragraph 9.2)
Example: Collect logical disk C free space only.

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