Chandra Mulyana wrote:
> Tapi saya masih agak belum terbiasa dengan Suse, seperti mencari padanan
> (saya biasa menggunakan RH9 dan FC):
> - .bash_profile : ?
> - perintah service : activate kalo ngga salah ya ?
> - rc.local : ada di file boot di Suse ya ?
- .bash_profile kalo di SuSE /home/nama_user/.bashrc
- perintah service kalo di SuSE diset dengan nama depan rc
  contoh : restart service xinetd = rcxinetd restart
           restart service apache = rcapache2 restart
- rc.local kalo di SuSE ada di /etc/rc.d/boot.local
- /var/www kalo di SuSE /srv/www
- /var/named kalo di SuSE /var/lib/named/master


Linux helloween #3 Mon Aug 6 13:11:31 WIT 2005 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
THE CHANCE you got comes never twice, Do your best and Do it right
Time will come but you don't hide, You are on your way 
We've got the POWER We are divine, We have the guts to follow the sign
Extracting tensions from sources unknown, We are the ones to cover the throne
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