On 8/31/06, Abu Arqam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
coba site dibawah ini mungkin bisa membantu,

Terimakasih untuk link-nya.
Saya masih bingung bagaimana caranya Squid "mengakses" data dari LDAP.
Di squid.conf sudah saya tambahkan syntaks sbb:

auth_param basic program /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth -D
"cn=admin ou=hahaha,o=hihihi,c=id" -w "rahasia" "uid=boneka" localhost

Namun di cache.log sepertinya masih menunjukkan kegagalan autentikasi
2006/09/01 17:36:42| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2006/09/01 17:36:42| Referer logging is disabled.
Usage: squid_ldap_auth -b basedn [options] [ldap_server_name[:port]]...

       -b basedn (REQUIRED)    base dn under which to search
       -f filter               search filter to locate user DN
       -u userattr             username DN attribute
       -s base|one|sub         search scope
       -D binddn               DN to bind as to perform searches
       -w bindpasswd           password for binddn
       -W secretfile           read password for binddn from file secretfile
       -H URI                  LDAPURI (defaults to ldap://localhost)
       -h server               LDAP server (defaults to localhost)
       -p port                 LDAP server port
       -P                      persistent LDAP connection
       -c timeout              connect timeout
       -t timelimit            search time limit
       -R                      do not follow referrals
       -a never|always|search|find
                               when to dereference aliases
       -v 2|3                  LDAP version
       -Z                      TLS encrypt the LDAP connection,
requires LDAP version 3

       If no search filter is specified, then the dn <userattr>=user,basedn
       will be used (same as specifying a search filter of '<userattr>=',
       but quicker as as there is no need to search for the user DN)

       If you need to bind as a user to perform searches then use the
       -D binddn -w bindpasswd or -D binddn -W secretfile options


2006/09/01 17:36:42| Ready to serve requests.
2006/09/01 17:36:42| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 8) exited
2006/09/01 17:36:42| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 9) exited
2006/09/01 17:36:42| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 10) exited
2006/09/01 17:36:42| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!

Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.034 seconds = 0.022 user + 0.012 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
       total space in arena:    2104 KB
       Ordinary blocks:         2072 KB      3 blks
       Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
       Holding blocks:           204 KB      1 blks
       Free Small blocks:          0 KB
       Free Ordinary blocks:      31 KB
       Total in use:            2276 KB 108%
       Total free:                31 KB 1%


Atau saya masih salah menambahkan syntaks squid_ldap_auth ya? Mohon
koreksinya. Terimakasih.

Zaki Akhmad

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