Asia Source II: Free and Open Source Technologies for NGO & SME

Asia Source merupakan conference linux internasional
yang di hadiri oleh 100-an peserta internasional
dari berbagai negara. Entah kenapa mereka terkagum-kagum
dengan Indonesia, oleh karena itu january 2007 akan diadakan di Sukabumi.

Tanggal 22-30 January 2007
Tempat  Sukabumi, Jawa Barat
lokasi tepatnya silahkan ditanya ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pendaftaran     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deadline        30 November 2006
Detail di
Registration fee        US$75
        (dapat disubsidi 100% bagi para aktifis
        tolong saya di e-mail utk rekomendasinya :) ..

Saya berharap para aktifis open source di Indonesia
dapat berpartisipasi pada Asia Source II ini
juga para pembuat distro, Pinux, BlankOn, dll
mohon bisa berpartisipasi disini :) ..
(mohon minta rekomendasi saya utk bisa di waive fee-nya :)

Sekedar info sedikit, saya kebetulan berkedudukan
sebagai anggota Advisory Board di UNAPDIP
yang menyelenggarakan Asia Souce bersama ICT Watch / ICT Center Jakarta ini.

Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang perlu
di isi utk dapat berpartisipasi di Asia Source 2 tsb.

Please provide answers to all the following questions.

1) Basic personal information:
a. Name:
b. Gender:
c. Date of Birth:
d. Nationality:
e. Country where you live and work now:
f. Affiliation/organisation:
g. E-mail address:
h. Telephone and emergency contact number(s):
i. Anything else we should know about you (allergies, diet, medical
condition, special needs):

2) What is your experience of working with NGOs and SMEs. What kinds of
projects and initiatives have you worked on?

3) Have you been involved with any technology projects for NGOs or SMEs?
If so please briefly explain them.

4) Where are you from, where do you live now, and what is your current
professional affiliation (organisation you work for, mission of the
organisation, position you have in the organisation, is your
organisation an SME or a NGO, etc.)?

5) Which track would you choose to be part of? Please select:
TRACK ONE: Open Publishing and Broadcasting
TRACK TWO: Alternative Hardware and Access
TRACK THREE: FOSS Implementation and Migration
TRACK FOUR: Information Management

6) How would you classify yourself, i.e. NGO, SME, womens rights,
localisation, technical, software developer, hardware developer etc.?

7) Please describe your current technical expertise and ability.

8) Why are you interested in attending Asia Source II; what do you hope
to learn?

9) Asia Source II participants are encouraged to teach as well as to
learn. What tutorials, development sessions or discussions would you
like to lead (or help lead)?

10) Are you able/willing to share the acquired skills in your work
environment after "Asia Source II"? If yes, how and how many people do
you plan to reach?

11) Will you need to receive a participation fee subsidy in order to
attend Asia Source II? If so, please explain why.

12) Will you need to receive a travel subsidy in order to attend Asia
Source II? If so, please explain why and estimate how much (in US$) your
round-trip travel to Jakarta will cost.

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