On Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:30:00 +0700
Marnakok Simanjuntak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Pagi...
| * Apakah ada Desktop :-) (CMIIW)/ Xwindows selain KDE atau GNOME.

Ada, DM -> XFCE
     WM -> blackbox, fluxbox, dll
| * Kemudian.. adakah yang mirip atau mendekati yang punya windows.

icewm, ede

| * Untuk Pentium I / Memory 32 Harddisk 100MB.. apakah bisa di install 
| linux dengan Xwindows. tolong dikasih distro Linuxnya.

DeLi Linux,
dari websitenya berkata :

DeLi Linux stands for "Desktop Light" Linux. It is a Linux Distribution
for old computers, from 486 to Pentium MMX 166 or so. It's focused on
desktop usage. It includes email clients, graphical web browser, an
office package with word processor and spreadsheet, and so on. A full
install, including XOrg and development tools, needs not more than 350
MB of harddisk space.

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