Ada masalah nich dengan tool courierpassd yg digunakan untuk ubah password baik untuk user sistem maupun untuk user virtual dan biasanya tool ini disandingkan dg webmail squirrelmail dg plugin change_pass untuk ubah password account email. Kebetulan saya install tool ini di 3 distro linux yg berbeda, Redhat, Debian, dan Slackware, dengan resep yg sama. FYI, courierpassd versi 1.1.2 diinstall di Redhat dan Debian, sedangkan versi 1.1.0 diinstal di Slackware.
Baru saya sadari skr ternyata courierpassd ini kalo dipakai untuk ubah password account system ternyata gagal atau error, ini berlaku di RedHat 9 dan Debian 3.1, sedangkan di Slackware 10.2 Ok. Berikut ini nukilan log courierpassd di Debian untuk ubah password user system : $ telnet localhost 106 Trying Connected to localhost.localdomain. Escape character is '^]'. 200 courierpassd v1.1.2 hello, who are you? user yudi 200 Your password please. pass oldpassword 200 Your new password please. newpass newpassword 500 Server error, password not changed. quit Connection closed by foreign host. Padahal authtest mengatakan yudi is legal user. # authtest yudi Authentication succeeded. Authenticated: yudi (system username: yudi) Home Directory: /home/yudi Maildir: (none) Quota: (none) Encrypted Password: $1$yua/iG/g$ODt5PDc1UMcESS/.BEtD.1 Cleartext Password: (none) Options: (none) Dan bagaimana kerja tool courierpassd ini di slackware ? Pertama cek validasi user sistem yudi dan user virtual [EMAIL PROTECTED]: # authtest yudi Authentication succeeded. Authenticated: yudi (system username: yudi) Home Directory: /home/yudi Maildir: (none) Quota: (none) Encrypted Password: $1$q1Z1e4Qm$UpgVQiob3GvwT7vN9c2Jy1 Cleartext Password: (none) Options: (none) # authtest [EMAIL PROTECTED] Authentication succeeded. Authenticated: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (uid 1013, gid 107) Home Directory: /home/vmail Maildir: Quota: 56320000 Encrypted Password: $1$d6ef4b04$JNU.uuYnv4cCm3gOz3R.Q0 Cleartext Password: (none) Options: (none) Kemudian jalankan tool courierpassd untuk ubah password ke-2 user tsb di atas: # telnet localhost 106 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 200 courierpassd v1.1.0 hello, who are you? user [EMAIL PROTECTED] 200 Your password please. pass abcdefg 200 Your new password please. newpass gfedcba 200 Password changed, thank-you. quit 200 Bye. Connection closed by foreign host. # telnet localhost 106 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 200 courierpassd v1.1.0 hello, who are you? user yudi 200 Your password please. pass oldpass 200 Your new password please. newpass newpass 200 Password changed, thank-you. quit 200 Bye. Connection closed by foreign host. Kedua password user system dan virtual berhasil diubah :-) Sayangnya isi log baik di Redhat, Debian atau Slackware hanya informatif belaka, apakah itu sukses atau gagal ubah password. Saya sdh googling tapi belum menemukan pemecahan untuk masalah ini. Apakah ada rekan2 yg pernah mengalami hal seperti ini? Mohon pencerahannya. -- Terimakasih sebelumnya dan sesudahnya. Salam, ~~ Arief Yudhawarman ~~ -- FAQ milis di Unsubscribe: kirim email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] Arsip dan info milis selengkapnya di