On 3/2/07, ArioS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Aku sudah cek mail server sendiri kalo PTR nya sudah ada kok... tp kok
>> masi muncul gini an ya.. thx atas bantuannya ;)

Di posisi saya sudah ada PTR record -.-"

Lack of PTR RR records is highly suspect for a legitimate mail host
following best practices for sending mails. As of today even the
majority of reputable dial-up and broadband connections provide PTR RR
records for their networks.

Kirim email ke isp anda, supaya minta di bikin kan PTR RR di
203.x.x.x     address lookup ke   mail2.wanxp.net
di dns server ISP yang authoritive menangani reverse lookup blok ip
address ip publik anda


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