> On 3/5/07, kurniadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> Tadi siang saya nyoba bikin dua network dengan ip private net A
>> net B dengan satu komputer linux sebagai
>> router ke net A ip ke net B, tinggal aktifkan
>> ip_forward. Di pc net A di kasih route add -net gw
>>, begittu juga pc di net B
>> ternyata pc net A tidak bisa ping ke pc net B ...
>> setelah search di google ternyata ip private tidak bisa di route
>> kalau di pasang NAT di pc router pasti jalan ping nya
>> ok sekarang saya coba dengan ip public ternyata langsung bisa
>> Bagaimana tuh, soalnya contoh contoh di buku network, tcp/ip kebanyakan
>> menjelaskan routing dengan ip private...hati hati gak jalan kalau di
>> coba
> itu seharusnya sama, karena sebenarnya ip private dan public itu hanya
> sekedar konvensi saja. CMIIW
ok, seharus nya sama aja kan
coba baca link berikut

These blocks of addresses can be used by anyone, anywhere – even if your
neighbour is using the exact same addresses this won't cause a problem.
This is possible because these addresses are known as “non-Routeable
addresses” and the devices on the internet that move data from one place
to another are specially programmed to recognise these addresses. These
devices (known as routers) will recognise that these are private addresses
belonging to your network and will never forward your traffic onto the
Internet so for your connection to work, you will always require at lease
one real address from the general pool so that your home router can
perform what is known as “Network Address Translation”.

> kamu ngga perlu tambahin routing nya, kamu cukup membuat default
> gateway client di net A ke dan default gateway client di
> net B ke
ok emang gak perlu cukup default gw,

> --
> Linux can help figure out stuff that make me feel like a complete IDIOT
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