On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 12:04 +0700, Arief Yudhawarman wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 10:48:30AM +0700, Asfihani wrote:
> > Arief Yudhawarman wrote:
> > >Apakah rekan2 tahu script untuk membuat sendiri service
> > >diinamik dns ? Mulai dr aplikasi untuk client dan untuk server
> > >yg listening di port http. Kebetulan maintain VPS di link
> > >IIX, rencananya ini yg digunakan untuk server dinamik dns.
> > >  
> > Jangan reinvent the wheel dong Pak :-), pakai nsupdate:
> > 
> > http://linux.yyz.us/nsupdate/
> Wah a*njr*t pakai bind, padahal mesin NS-nya pakai djbdns :-).
> Sudah lama pakai djbdns dan sudah merasa puas sekali.
> Apa tdk ada yg pakai djbdns ?
> Kalau buat skrip sendiri sih, idenya sdh ada.
> Tinggal belajar cgi dengan perl.

sudah nemu "contekan" belom ? :-)
jadi inget jaman sekolah dulu....hapalin butir2 P4.
gak apal2..hihihi


TINYDYN is both a client and a server for a secure dynamic dns system.
It includes the server software as well as the client software needed
to interoperate with dbjdns/tinydns by Dan Bernstein as well as RedHat's
pump and the more standard dhcpcd.

TinyDyn relies upon perl to run its scripts, gnupg for authentication,
and djbdns to actually serve the domain data.

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