On 3/20/07, Ery Atmodjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/20/07, BaCy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/20/07, Ery Atmodjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > DH
> >
> > Saya install cacti di gentoo, saya pasang plugin "monitor" dan
> > "weathermap", cakep.  Beberapa minggu lalu, saya temui ternyata jam di
> > server telat sekitar 30 menit, jadi saya majukan 30 menit.  Setelah
> > itu, tidak ada grafik yang muncul, tapi monitor tetep jalan dengan
> > baik.
> >
> > Selain itu, saya tidak bisa buat grafik lagi untuk server yang baru
> > meskipun device untuk server tsb bisa terdeteksi.  Saya sudah coba
> > rebuild poller cache, tapi tetap tidak muncul.  Server yang baru
> > muncul sebagai "Unknown" di "monitor".
> >
> > Belakangan, grafik-grafik muncul lagi, entah karena saya rebuild
> > poller cache, atau apa.  Tapi tetap tidak bisa buat grafik baru, dan
> > server yang dibuat devicenya setelah perubahan jam itu, tetap tidak
> > muncul grafiknya.
> >
> > Mohon bantuannya, apa yang bisa dibuat, selain install ulang cacti.
> >
> > Terima kasih sebelum dan sesudahnya.
> >
> tidak muncul grafik nya (file image nya) atau isi grafik nya kosong?
> kalau misalnya isi grafik nya yang kosong, coba deh jalanin poller nya
> manual dari console. atau coba jalanin command snmpwalk nya manual.
> --

Saya tidak tau persis penyebabnya, tapi waktu create device, hasilnya normal :

 newserver (
SNMP Information
System: 00:LINUX:PPLH:2.6.18-GENTOO-R4:#4:SMP:SUN:DEC:17:17:40:01:EIT:2006:I686
Uptime: 9293275 (1 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes)
Hostname: pplh
Location: Unknown

Nah, waktu create grafik, hasilnya :

Data Query [SNMP - Interface Statistics]
This data query returned 0 rows, perhaps there was a problem executing
this data query. You can run this data query in debug mode to get more

Di bawahnya tidak muncul pilihan interface untuk dibuat grafiknys.

Kalau didebug, hasilnya :

+ Running data query [1].
+ Found type = '3' [snmp query].
+ Found data query XML file at
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing SNMP walk for list of indexes @ '.'
+ Located input field 'ifIndex' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifIndex='1'] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifIndex='2'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifIndex='3'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifOperStatus' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifOperStatus='Up'] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifOperStatus='Up'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifOperStatus='Up'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifDescr' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifDescr='lo'] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifDescr='eth0'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifDescr='eth1'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifName' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Located input field 'ifAlias' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Located input field 'ifType' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifType='softwareLoopback(24)'] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifType='ethernetCsmacd(6)'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifType='ethernetCsmacd(6)'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifSpeed' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifSpeed='10000000'] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifSpeed='100000000'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifSpeed='100000000'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifHwAddr' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifHwAddr=''] index: 1 [from value]
+ Found item [ifHwAddr='00:00:80:48:2D:87:1D'] index: 2 [from value]
+ Found item [ifHwAddr='00:00:11:D8:0E:17:4B'] index: 3 [from value]
+ Located input field 'ifIP' [walk]
+ Executing SNMP walk for data @ '.'
+ Found item [ifIP=''] index: 3 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP=''] index: 1 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found item [ifIP=''] index: 2 [from regexp oid parse]
+ Found data query XML file at
+ Found data query XML file at
+ Found data query XML file at

hm....kayanya sih snmp client kamu sudah jalan. tapi client kamu tidak
me return yang di query oleh snmp server.

Coba deh cari bagian view, tambahin
view    all    included   .1    80

Supaya semua query object bisa di jawab. CMIIW

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