Yanurmal wrote:
Bos Asfihani betul, ternyata yang ber-platform linux juga gak mau
kalah. Hebat-hebat LOL again...

1. create a new sheetin openoffice.org Calc (spreadsheet)
2. enter this formula in a cell :
and validate (validation button or enter)
3.the cell will display "say what?"
4. Enter this formula:
5. a new window will open with a little game star war game.
6. But if you type again this formula, the cell will return the
display "oh no, not again!"
7. to be able to play again, you need to close the file, close
openoffice.org and the QuickStarter, and then make the same.
Wakakakakakakakaka.....*ketawa guling-guling...*
OOo Bisa buat pengilang stess juga ternyata...

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