terima kasih mas cygnus
dovecot saya sekarang sudah bisa jalan
masalah nya  di autentikasi nya saya isi plaintext lewat webmin
terimakasih untuk semua


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "- Cygnus -" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tanya-jawab@linux.or.id>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [tanya-jawab] Dovecot error

> andi wrote:
>> sebelum nya jalan tapi setelah saya setting pop3 sama imap nya muncul 
>> error
>> berdasarkan link dari mas cygnus saya rubah  "listen = *" dan 
>> "ssl_listen=*" error lama nya hilang trus muncul error baru seperti di 
>> bawah ini
>> kira2 kesalahan nya di mana yach
>> isi dari dovecot.conf
>> #protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s
>> protocols = imap pop3
>> #listen = [::]
>> listen = *
>> # IP or host address where to listen in for SSL connections. Defaults
>> # to above if not specified.
>> #ssl_listen =
>> ssl_listen = *
>> # Disable SSL/TLS support.
>> #ssl_disable = no
>> ssl_disable = no
>> log nya
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service dovecot start
>> Starting Dovecot Imap:                                     [  OK  ]
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service dovecot status
>> dovecot dead but subsys locked
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tail -f /var/log/maillog
>> Oct 19 14:00:34 mail dovecot: Auth process died too early - shutting down
>> Oct 19 14:00:34 mail dovecot: auth(default): ANONYMOUS listed in 
>> mechanisms, but anonymous_username not given
>> Oct 19 14:02:05 mail dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.beta8 starting up
>> Oct 19 14:02:06 mail dovecot: child 3029 (auth) returned error 89
>> Oct 19 14:02:06 mail dovecot: Auth process died too early - shutting down
>> Oct 19 14:02:06 mail dovecot: auth(default): ANONYMOUS listed in 
>> mechanisms, but anonymous_username not given
>> Oct 19 14:02:37 mail dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.beta8 starting up
>> Oct 19 14:02:38 mail dovecot: child 3050 (auth) returned error 89
>> Oct 19 14:02:38 mail dovecot: Auth process died too early - shutting down
>> Oct 19 14:02:38 mail dovecot: auth(default): ANONYMOUS listed in 
>> mechanisms, but anonymous_username not given
> #grep -w anonymous /path/to/dovecot.conf
> -- 
> - Cygnus -
> -- 
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