On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 06:48 +0700, artanto, bayu wrote:
> Linutop is a small computer running from a USB key.
> Without internal hard drive, linutop is more robust.
> It offers a completely silent, energy-efficient operation in an
> extremely small package.
> It comes with optimized software to access the Web and Digital
> Contents (Text, Photos, Music & Videos).
> Linutop can be used in:
> - Hotels, Museums, Public Terminals, ...
> - Shops, Bars, Point-of-Sale Terminals, Kiosks...
> - Schools, Offices, Factories...
> Benefits
> Small
> Light (280 g - 9.9 oz)
> Low energy consumption (only 5W)
> Simple
> Silent
> Low support cost
> http://linutop.com/images/linutop_screen_terminal_cpuinfol.jpg
> ada yg pake xubuntu
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------
> bayu - mandriva - other Linux at http://bayuart.wordpress.com

waduh ubuntunya sama tuh ;-)

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  Xubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04

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