2008/2/22 Firman Wahyudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Dear ALL, Please HELP mohon bantuannya...
>  Knapa yach setiap browsing baik pake IE or MOZALI selalu tampil command
>  informasi dari squid saya....sperti dibawah ini...???
>  The requested URL could not be retrieved
>  While trying to retrieve the URL:
>  http://www.giest.org/2006/12/11/squid-26-installation.html
>  The following error was encountered:
>     Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.giest.org
>  The dnsserver returned:
>     Refused: The name server refuses to perform the specified operation.
>  This means that:
>   The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
>   Check if the address is correct.
>  Your cache administrator is helpdesk
>  Setelah di refresh baru mo tampil web contentnya..
>  Padahal web tersebut sudah pernah saya accesss
>  Sekedar informasi squid ver.2.0 OS Debian kernel 2.6.8

squid anda tidak bisa mengquery domain tersebut, coba lihat lagi conf
squid anda bagian name server nya.

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