saya tidak bisa mengakses harddisk teman saya.
rencananya isi harddisk nya mau di recovery

pesan error :

Record 6 has no FILE magic (0x0)
Failed to open inode: Input/output error
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb3': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If you have SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first you must activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for the details.

Asri Rachman

YM : internetkidx
GTalk : kidx13

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