On Thu, 12 Mar 2009, kemas henry wrote:
>  For((i=1;i<50;i++)) do
>        urutan=${1}`printf "%03d" $i`
>        useradd $urutan -m -k /etc/skell
>        echo $urut > /tmp/urut
>        passwd --stdin $urutan < /tmp/urut
>  done

bisa juga pake command sederhana: /usr/sbin/newusers

sedikit petunjuk:
# /usr/sbin/newusers < daftar-newuser.txt
# ./script-bikin-daftar-user.sh | /usr/sbin/newusers

NEWUSERS(8)                                                        NEWUSERS(8)

       newusers - update and create new users in batch

       newusers [new_users]

       newusers reads a file of user name and clear-text password pairs and
       uses this information to update a group of existing users or to create
       new users. Each line is in the same format as the standard password
       file (see passwd(5)) with the following exceptions:

              This field will be encrypted and used as the new value of the
              encrypted password.

       pw_age This field will be ignored for shadow passwords if the user
              already exists.

       pw_gid This field may be the name of an existing group, in which case
              the named user will be added as a member. If a non-existent

|===[ Yudhi Kusnanto ]=============|
|===[ STMIK Akakom ]===============|
|===[ http://www.akakom.ac.id/ ]===|

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