2009/5/14 Arief Yudhawarman <arief.mi...@jember.net>:
> Kemudian apakah bisa bila streaming dari station radio tsb, karena
> bandwidth nya terbatas, dikirim ke provider yg mempunyai bandwidth
> besar. Selanjutnya provider tersebut akan menjadi proxy untuk streaming.
> Jadi pengunjung jika ingin mendengar streaming langsung menuju ke
> website provider tsb.

*sekali-sekali ngasih ikan :D*
ps: belum dicoba, kalo sukses bilang ya ...


#   Relaying

The idea behind relaying is that one server is limited by the
bandwidth of his network connection. So even though I might have a 10
mbit connection to the internet, I still can't take in as many
listeners as I want.
Not to mention that the network administrators will nuke my swedish
arse if they found out :)
But, and this is where relays come in, if one of the connected
listeners could send the stream to say 10 other listeners closer to
him, then a lot more people would be able to enjoy my music. In the
perfect world, you would have a treelike structure of relays
distributing your stream all over the world. This is where you need a
lot of friends with lots of bandwidth to waste ;)
There are three types of relays in the icecast server. Pushing,
pulling, and aliased relays (aka on demand relays)
To make a long story short, a pushing relay is where an admin on the
originating server connects one of the local streams to a remote
A pulling relay is basicly the same, except that the request is sent
from the remote server, which mounts a remote stream as a local
An aliased relay is special, and a very nice thing indeed. For those
of you familiar with mount and automount in the unix environment, this
is quite similar. Instead of keeping a remote stream on your server
all the time, and wasting bandwidth when no one is listening, you add
an alias on your server for a stream on a remote server. And when a
client requests this stream on your server, then you connect and send
him the stream.

   1. Pulling relays

      The admin on a remote server (aka slave server) issues the
'relay pull' command and the icecast server will connect to the
originating (master) server as a client and then mount the stream as a
local source. This has the advantage that you don't have to share any
   2. Pushing relays

      Pushing relays is where the admin on the master server issues
the 'relay push' command and the icecast server connects to the remote
(slave) server as a source.
   3. Relaying using aliases

      Aliases for remote streams are added with the 'alias add'
command or using the alias parameter in the icecast.conf file.
      When a client requests a stream which is an alias refering to a
remote stream, the icecast server will connect to this remote server
and mount this stream in as a local source, just like a relay pull.
When no clients are longer listening to this stream, the server will
kill this source, to save bandwidth.
      Prior to the 1.3.8 release, the requested stream URL had to
match the alias exactly, using the server_name as the host part of the
URL. For instance, if you added: alias add /cool
http://cool.co:8000/cool, then if a user requested
http://your.server.name:8000/cool then it would work fine, but if he
requested http://localhost:8000/cool or http://your:8000/cool or
perhaps the ip, it wouldn't work at all.
      Starting with 1.3.8, you can specify the keyword 'whatever' as
host, and thus match all hosts in the request, like so: alias add
http://whatever:8000/cool http://cool.co:8000/cool.
   4. Proxy

      You can setup your icecast server as a proxy, which means that
all requests for streams on remote hosts will make the icecast server
mount the remote streams as local sources, just like aliases. Proxy
mode is just like adding an alias for each and every audiocast in the
world. Please note that it is very important that the server_name
variable is correctly set if you want to run a proxy.

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