FYI saja, mungkin ada yg belum tau.. :)
Kopas dr websitenya :

Since the signing of Indonesia, Go Open Source! Declaration on June 30 2004, Indonesia aspires to be a leading force in the movement to promote open source. Global Conference on Open Source (GCOS) aims to bring the global open source community together in order to address the growing demand for open source technology in every social spectrum. GCOS will generate an international collaboration among governments, businesses, academicians, and communities to strengthen the position of open source, making it more attractive and valuable for the society at large. GCOS involves speakers and panelists from around the world to discuss government initiatives, business models, community development projects, and education programs that are based on or benefit from open source technology. GCOS will also discuss the role of open source in creative industries and hold workshops to promote its use while providing a hands-on experience to the public. Moreover, GCOS will also organize exhibitions and competitions to generate participation of those that have yet to be aware of the benefits that open source technology has to offer. GCOS hopes to introduce open source to a larger range of people, including those that are still hesitant to convert from proprietary software.
*The Global Conference on Open Source will be held*:

Date    :       26-27 October 2009
Vanue   :       Shangri-La Hotel
JL. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia

GCOS targets to attract 500 attendees, domestic and international, with invited keynote speakers including Brazil President Lula da Silva, Nicholas Negroponte, and Linus Torvalds.

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