Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> 2010/1/4 Arief Yudhawarman <>:
>> Apakah untuk autentikasi di squid bisa dibatasi hanya 1 username yang
>> sama yg bisa konek ? Jadi jika ada yg makai username tersebut untuk
>> autentikasi di squid akan ditolak. Singkatnya tidak boleh ada pemakaian
>> username dobel.
> Yg lebih memungkinkan itu pembatasan satu username *dan* satu IP
> address yg sama dalam rentang waktu 15 menit, misalnya. Cuma gak tau
> deh squid bisa atau nggak.

Kalau misal menggunakan acl max_user_ip gimana? Saduran dari komentar di
squid.conf di tempat saya seperti ini:

#       acl aclname max_user_ip [-s] number
#          This will be matched when the user attempts to log in from more
#          than <number> different ip addresses. The authenticate_ip_ttl
#          parameter controls the timeout on the ip entries.
#          If -s is specified the limit is strict, denying browsing
#          from any further IP addresses until the ttl has expired. Without
#          -s Squid will just annoy the user by "randomly" denying requests.
#          (the counter is reset each time the limit is reached and a
#          request is denied)
#          NOTE: in acceleration mode or where there is mesh of child proxies,
#          clients may appear to come from multiple addresses if they are
#          going through proxy farms, so a limit of 1 may cause user problems.


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