Pada 29 Juni 2010 15:18, Luqman H <> menulis:
> 2010/6/29 Firdaus Tjahyadi <>:
>> Pada 29 Juni 2010 14:19, Luqman <> menulis:
>>>> user email nya di mana ? mysql ya coba aja ambil user & password dari
>>> mysql nya dulu dan coba masukan lagi ke mysql server yang baru,
>>> Gak pake mysql, pake standar vpopmail aja..
>> kayanya bukan mas luqman yang build System Emailnya ya ? Dapat warisan
>> dari sysadmin yg lama ya?
>> vpopmail is a set of API that manages virtual user accounts on a qmail
>> system, and handles delivery for these virtual users. The command-line
>> utilities, and Qmailadmin all use the vpopmail API, provided by the
>> vpopmail library to manage the system.
>> Support for Mysql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow LDAP,
>> Sybase, and default cdb authentication storage.
>> Nah yg ditanyakan pak engkur adalah authenticationnya kemana ?
> maaf yg dimaksud ini yah ???
> -rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw 112759 Jun 28 16:04 vpasswd
> -rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw 134079 Jun 28 16:04 vpasswd.cdb
> qmailnya authenticate ke file tsb...
> buildnya pake referensi di qmailrocks

Aduh ketahuan main install aja apa warisan nih ?

Coba dipahami konsep, cara kerja dan juga S/W yang digunakan biar bisa mengerti

What software packages should I already have installed on my server?

1. The Apache Web Server - You can use either version 1.3.x or version
2.x. It shouldn't make that big of a difference.

2. PHP - Version 4.0.6 or higher. You will probably want to make sure
that it's either compiled with imap and mysql support, or if you are
installing from RPMs, install the php-imap and php-mysql packages
alongside the php package.

3. Perl - I use version 5.8.0, but any version of 5 should work.

4. GCC - The gcc compiler. You should already have it installed, but
if you don't you'd better.

5. MySQL - MySQL is only REALLY needed if you intend to use it with
vpopmail. Also, you may run into trouble installing some packages if
you don't have it installed. All in all, it's a good idea to have
mysql server installed. Version 4.x works just fine, but 3.x will work

6. OpenSSL - Version 0.9.5a or higher.

7. OpenSSL-devel - For Redhat products and Fedora users.

8. libssl-dev, for Debian users.

9. wget - Downloading packages and software is alot easier with wget.

10. patch & patchutils - Available via RPM for Redhat, the ports
collection for FreeBSD or apt-get for Debian. You'll need these
packages to apply the needed patches along the way during the install.

Yang No 5 sudah jelas kan db usernya taruh dimana



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